Spy vs. Spy, The Hamburglar, Pizza Hut roof line…so many shapes.

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She is a malevolent cartoon

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We live inside a malevolent cartoon hell now ...


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Loved Mad Magazine!!

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As did we all ...

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Google “Secret Squirrel.” There she is.

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Total waste of time commenting about the nude model immigrant who is trump’s highly paid prostitute, with apologies to hard working prostitutes who do what they have to to get by. She’s been mocked for ten years and it does no good; but it will serve as clickbait.

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No, cartoons don't usually change the world, but simply point things out. Melanoma and her greed will always been a cancerous carbuncle on the ass of America.

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True, but why give her what she wants, attention. In the grand scheme of things, she’s being paid to show the stupid Magas what a “good family man” the felonious rapist is.

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Has anyone seen Melanima’s eyes? They seemed to have disappeared. I still think she was channeling an 1880 old Wild West bandit with this outfit.

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Oh Rob, you silly boy. Melanoma doesn't have eyes, she has two seething black holes of death cut into her face and if you get too close will suck you down into the fiery void of hell.


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I am of the opinion that one should never look directly into the eyes of people like t/rump and Melanoma. The reason is because they lack a soul or a real heart, there is a vacuum in them that can suck the soul from your body and turn you into a zombie. The MAGA cult is a perfect example of what I am saying.

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Remarkable resemblance. M didn’t feel like washing her hair.

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I keep sensing that the hat made it difficult to tell whether it was really Melania, or one of the many doubles used first time round!

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When she walks by suddenly the air turns bitterly cold ...

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